Today was Baptist Men’s day at our church. The service started with an all men’s choir that sang old hymns. I’ll Fly Away was the first song that was sung, that classic hymn was originally written in 1929 by Albert E. Brumley. The song is sung in many churches, has been recorded by multiple artists from Alan Jackson to Kanye West. My favorite version is probably from the “O Brother Where Art Thou” soundtrack. The other song sung by the men’s choir was “Are You Washed In The Blood”. That song has been widely recorded as well, though not as much as I’ll fly away. It makes reference to a verse from Revelation
‘I said to him, “Sir, you know.” Then he told me: These are the ones coming out of the great tribulation. They washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. ‘
Revelation 7:14
After the singing, our local sheriff was the speaker for the day. He began his talk by jokingly saying he was not a preacher. He gave his testimony of how God had been in his life as an officer and in song. It was great to see a local official so open about their faith.
In the service we were reminded to pray for our public servants. Law enforcement, first responders, fire responders, all deal with things that would weigh heavy on anyone. Many times they see people in their worst moments or going through the worst moment of their life. Day in and out the things that they can deal with would put a strain on anyone. We thankfully live in an area where many churches give back to those in these positions and those were recognized in the service today.