
  • Day 60

    Well, here we are, day 60 of my 60 day blogging challenge. It has for sure been outside of my norm, but I feel like doing things outside of what we normally do is a way to grow. I wasn’t sure what all I would write about during the 60 days. For the most part…

  • Watercooler Talk

    I have a long list of podcasts I listen to on a regular basis, one being the WP Watercooler. Many times I’ve listened to that show and others and hear something that peaks my interest and I will look into. In WordPress, podcasts are a great resource for digesting news and information on the go…

  • Easter Sunday

    Easter Sunday is the most important holiday in the world. It’s the day that we celebrate, and reflect on the resurrection of our savior, Jesus Christ. Churches year round will proclaim this event in presenting the gospel, and on “Resurrection Sunday” we come together to put even more emphasis on the greatest event in history.…