It’s April Fools Day! It’s a fun time to play harmless pranks, some big, some small. Some business get in on the pranking action by making social media posts of blatantly obvious false products. Some sites add features to make you scratch your head and laugh. Whoever you decide to prank hopefully everyone involved gets…
Have you ever been to a WordCamp? I’ve attended WordCamps and WordPress meetups online and in person. Usually at a WordCamp there will be multiple presentations going on at the same time, covering a wide spread of topics. From beginner to advanced, designer to developer, business owner, to customer there is usually something useful for…
The much anticipated 6.2 version of WordPress has made it into the wild! According to the about page it contains “292 enhancements and 394 bug fixes”. Many of the highlights on the about page are centered around updates in the block editor and the theme editor screen. More importantly the block themes option has been…
The Wapuu has been a mascot for WordPress for several years. As part of the 20th anniversary of WordPress you can enter into a contest to win some WordPress swag and posting it to twitter with the hashtag #WapuuWP20. I decided to have a little fun with it and color mine with colors pulled off…
In my previous post, instead of doing a written blog I embeded a tutorial video. I did this with one my favorite tools, Loom. Loom will record you and your screen, allowing you to communicate to other’s in a way that I believe is more convenient for both parties. I primarily use loom to record…
Today our pastor preached his final message in his series from 2 Kings in a sermon entitles “Rest In God’s Promise”. Since starting his sermon series of preaching book by book, chapter by chapter, and verse by verse through the bible on Sunday mornings, it is the 12th book he has completed. When my wife…
Block patterns are great when you want a starting template of blocks to start plugging content into. If you want a set of blocks that remain the same from page to page that can be reused and edited from one spot, that is where reusable blocks come in handy. Let’s do a visual walkthrough of…
Creating block patterns with plugins, or with the pattern directory tool is great. It offers a quick clean method for site owners to build their patterns with a visual tool and not have to dig into the code. For some clients they may just want to grab something from a collection of premade blocks patterns.…
BlockMeister – Block Pattern Builder is the next plugin I want to look into for building out block patterns. Unlike the previous plugin reviewed, this one is actively maintained by it’s developer. This plugin has both a free version and various levels of paid versions ranging from $19.99 – $99.99 a year. Some of the…