Starting something can always seem like a daunting task when you’re looking at a blank screen. Many who need a site will find themselves asking, what do I need to start a website? Getting a website up and running has a pretty straightforward process. You basically need three things, a host, a domain name, and…
With the release of WordPress 5.2 a new tool has been introduced into WordPress, Site Health. The new Site Health tool can be found by going to Tools > Site Health from within the dashboard. After clicking the Site Health link you will then be presented with a new admin page. On first glance you…
Have you ever googled WordPress and came across both and and got confused? It’s common for new comers to WordPress to get tripped up with this. In this blog I’m going to quickly explain the differences between the two. can be thought of as a central hub for WordPress. You can…
I recently built a new theme for this site. Since launching my own personal site in 2012 this was my fourth version of the site. I’m making a change about once every 1.5-2 years, but why? New Technology I began building websites in 2011 and professionally in 2013. As an intern in 2012 I was…
The European General Data Protection Regulation law was passed in 2016 and implemented in 2018. The GDPR law was put into place to help protect users and their data. The GDPR law regulates more than I can write in a single article. Basically, GDPR regulates how websites can collect users data for sites in the…
Gutenberg is still in its beginning stages but already plugins are coming out to make users and developers lives easier. Over time plugins will more than likely gain and loose popularity until eventually there are a set up plugins and tools that people just use as their trusted go to. In this post I want…
WordCamp US was once again held in Nashville in 2018. Just a day before WordCamp, WordPress 5.0 was released. I did not attend WordCamp US in person this year but I did watch the online stream and kept up with things on twitter. There was some amazing talks this year. One thing that came through…
Several months ago Automattic announced they had released a new plugin called Gutenberg Ramp. The description for Gutenberg Ramp states: Activating Gutenberg Ramp plugin adds a settings screen where you can enable Gutenberg selectively (for specific post types). For even greater control, you can specify Gutenberg loading behavior in code. Ramp works with both the…
It came with quite a bit of controversy a couple weeks ago thatWordPress 5.0 which includes the hotly controversial Gutenberg editor would be released the week of Thanksgiving. This week another bit of hot news dropped. If you are planing on using the Classic Editor plugin, you officially have 3 years to fully make the…
WordPress has been set up in such a way there aren’t really many times when you need to really dive into the database. Sometimes you may be building a custom plugin where it does make more sense to use a custom structure in the database but those circumstances can be rare. Where a query can…