How To Build a WordPress Block

The past few days we’ve been looking at the tools the block editors offer. Blocks, reusable blocks, & block patterns and to this point we’ve been looking at what comes out of the box with WordPress. There are numerous options available with WordPress blocks by default but sometimes the default functionality falls short of what your specific content and design needs are. Plugins and themes will offer their own custom blocks and and patters available to use and those custom blocks are what I want to look into first.

Over s series of upcoming posts I’m going to be building a custom block in a variety of ways. I will attempt to build the same block, with the same settings, using a variety of methods to try and achieve that goal. While there are several options out there to achieve this I’m going to start by looking at four different options.


Custom Blocks Constructor

Genesis Custom Blocks

Genesis custom blocks is a free plugin offered by Studiopress. On their site they say the plugin provides “A WordPress Admin interface and a simple templating system for building custom Gutenberg blocks.”

Custom Block

Finally we’re going to look at setting up a custom block without the aid of an additional plugin.

At some point I may review other methods to achieve this process but for now that’s where we’re going to start.