Tag: 60daybloggingchallenge

  • Day 60

    Well, here we are, day 60 of my 60 day blogging challenge. It has for sure been outside of my norm, but I feel like doing things outside of what we normally do is a way to grow. I wasn’t sure what all I would write about during the 60 days. For the most part…

  • Watercooler Talk

    I have a long list of podcasts I listen to on a regular basis, one being the WP Watercooler. Many times I’ve listened to that show and others and hear something that peaks my interest and I will look into. In WordPress, podcasts are a great resource for digesting news and information on the go…

  • Easter Sunday

    Easter Sunday is the most important holiday in the world. It’s the day that we celebrate, and reflect on the resurrection of our savior, Jesus Christ. Churches year round will proclaim this event in presenting the gospel, and on “Resurrection Sunday” we come together to put even more emphasis on the greatest event in history.…

  • Holy Saturday

    The Saturday between Jesus’ crucifixion and his resurrection is known to some as Holy Saturday. It was a day that no doubt was a day of grief for his followers. It was also a day of worry for his accusers. They worried that the disciples may try and steal the body of Jesus and as…

  • Good Friday

    Good Friday. The day Jesus Christ would be crucified and die. Romans 5:8 tells us But God proves his own love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8 CSB The idea that Jesus willingly took on the punishment of our sins, and loved us to the point that he…

  • Maundy Thursday

    Maundy is a latin word that means “command”. On Maundy Thursday Jesus and his disciples participated in the passover meal and during the meal, Jesus gave the command to his disciples to love one another. He gave an immediate example of loving his disciples by an act of service and washing their feet. 19And he…

  • Holy Wednesday

    Two events are believed to have happened on Holy Wednesday; the arrangement of Judas to betray Jesus, and the anointing of Jesus. The Anointing at Bethany 6While Jesus was in Bethany at the house of Simon the leper, 7a woman approached him with an alabaster jar of very expensive perfume. She poured it on his head as…

  • Holy Tuesday

    There were a number of religious groups in Jesus’ day, one of those groups were the Pharisees. The Pharisees were held in high regard in the Jewish community during their day. The Pharisees not only knew God’s law, but they had added many of their own, and that was part of their problem. Their additions…

  • Holy Monday

    Today is what is called by some as Holy Monday. In some of the Baptist circles that I grew up in, and as is the case in several other denominations, Holy Monday (and other days of passion week) isn’t as celebrated as it is say in the eastern church. To be honest I feel a…

  • Palm Sunday

    Today is Palm Sunday, and it looks to Jesus humble entry into Jerusalem on a donkey. One week the people celebrated him, the next they cried crucify him. This week’s posts are going to be dedicated to looking toward, and celebrating easter. Today I’ll do that by posting the passage we read to celebrate Palm…