Using block patterns on a web page is fairly straight forward. With just a few clicks you can have a complete layout element in place and ready for your content to be inserted.
You’ll start by opening the block inserter, and clicking on the patterns tab. From there you will see a dropdown of categories that can be used to filter the type of block you want, followed by a preview list of patterns.
The categories and patterns you see may be different depending on your plugins and theme installed. For this post I have Twenty Twenty-Three installed and no plugins, so it’s a pretty standard list view.
After selection the block pattern you want, it will then be inserted into your post. To see the blocks that make up the pattern, toggle the list view. When inserting the “Three columns with images and text” block pattern, you can see several blocks were combined to create this layout. This is not only helpful for quickly adding a layout to our page, but also understanding what can be done with the blocks within the block editor.
Once installed block content, and settings can be changed, blocks added and removed. The pattern is a helpful starting point to help quickly add content and layouts to your page.
Next we’re going to look at the block library.