
  • Holy Wednesday

    Two events are believed to have happened on Holy Wednesday; the arrangement of Judas to betray Jesus, and the anointing of Jesus. The Anointing at Bethany 6While Jesus was in Bethany at the house of Simon the leper, 7a woman approached him with an alabaster jar of very expensive perfume. She poured it on his head as…

  • Holy Tuesday

    There were a number of religious groups in Jesus’ day, one of those groups were the Pharisees. The Pharisees were held in high regard in the Jewish community during their day. The Pharisees not only knew God’s law, but they had added many of their own, and that was part of their problem. Their additions…

  • Holy Monday

    Today is what is called by some as Holy Monday. In some of the Baptist circles that I grew up in, and as is the case in several other denominations, Holy Monday (and other days of passion week) isn’t as celebrated as it is say in the eastern church. To be honest I feel a…