Typically when we hear Saint Patrick’s Day many think of wearing green so you don’t get pinched, red haired leprechauns, green suits, green beer, green rivers, four leaf clovers, and a pot of gold somewhere in there.
Amid all the modern festivities and traditions the meaning behind Saint Patrick’s Day and what he accomplished seems to have been lost.
Though much of Saint Patrick’s day is tied to Ireland, he was not originally from there. Patrick was born in 390 AD, and lived in or around the area of England, Wales, or Scotland. At the time of the fall of the Roman Empire, Patrick was kidnapped by raiders and taken into Ireland as a slave. Eventually though he made an escape and return to his home.
A few years later Patrick would feel a call to be a missionary to the very people that took him from his home. At the time, many felt that Ireland was too pagan to send missionaries to. It takes a radical act of forgiveness, love and of God to go back to a people who have treated you the way Patrick would have been treated, but he went. As a result thousands were converted to Christ.
The conversion of many turned into fable and folklore that Patrick was responsible for driving all of the snakes out of Ireland. Today, the mission work of Patrick is unknown among many. Patrick though did a great work, led by God to point many to Christ and we should remember his actual work on this day.
– https://www.crossway.org/articles/the-life-and-mission-of-st-patrick/
– https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint_Patrick%27s_Day